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- 07-Apr-87 11:35 MST
- Sb: APmn 04/07 UFO Prankster
- LAKE CITY, Minn. (AP) -- A man says he, and not outer-space visitors,
- flattened two circles in a cornfield as part of a prank to make people think
- that unidentified flying objects had landed there.
- The confession by David Olson, 44, a chemist with an Eagan engineering
- company, comes nearly eight years after he flattened the circles in his nephew's
- cornfield as a practical joke on his nephew, Curtis Olson, in September 1979.
- The joke quickly ballooned out of proportion into a probe by authorities and
- a UFO center investigator.
- "I thought my brother, Bruce, would ask me if I was responsible and I'd admit
- it," David Olson, of Morristown, said Monday. "But the first I heard of it was
- on television and then it was too late.
- "It developed so fast and people were so intense about it, I thought I'd
- better shut up. I thought they might be so angry around there, they'd string me
- up."
- The idea of the prank came to Olson in the summer of 1979 when people were
- talking about flying saucers at a family get-together. Olson said his nephew
- seemed strongly convinced of their existence.
- His nephew farmed a few miles southwest of Lake City at the time and Olson
- decided to pay a visit to the cornfield to set up a fake UFO landing.
- "A good practical joke depends on patience and thoroughness." David Olson
- said. "But I never realized it would be as much work as it was."
- He drove his pickup truck to his nephew's cornfield about 11 p.m., then
- lugged a posthole tamper and a butane torch into the field.
- "I brought the tamper to simulate what would have been landing gear setting
- down and I spent a lot of time on that," Olson recalled.
- He said he took special care to tamp in about seven areas to make the landing
- gear impressions appear symmetrical.
- "I started stepping corn down and making progressively bigger circles," he
- recalled. "I used about two of the one-quart butane canisters to singe the corn
- on the ground and some of the standing corn surrounding the circle. That would
- have simulated a blast of energy."
- After his nephew spotted the flattened corn, the Wabasha County sheriff, a
- county agriculture extension agent and an investigator for the Center for UFO
- Studies of Evanston, Ill., descended on the farm.
- Although Olson has confessed, his nephew flatly rejects the confession.
- Curtis Olson, who now lives in Montana, said Monday he agrees with
- investigators who say something unexplainable happened in September 1979 in that
- cornfield.
- "Listen, I know he is capable of pranks," the nephew said. "But we had
- experts out there who said it couldn't have been a prank. They concluded that
- something came down with tremendous force. He could have been out there a week
- and not do what they found."
- Copyright 1987 by the Associated Press. All rights reserved.